
Colostrum Supplements Are the Latest Health Trend. We Talked To An Expert To See What They Think

Many of us learn about emerging health trends through social media. One of the most popular trends hitting sites like TikTok is taking colostrum supplements. Proponents say it’s great for gut health and has many other benefits.

Before we get into whether it is an effective supplement, let’s dive into what is colostrum? Colostrum is the milky substance that appears first after birth in mammals. It has a high level of proteins, antioxidants and antibiotics designed to help strengthen the immune system of the newborn baby. Because of the nutrients packed in milk, companies started making cow colostrum. As the name suggests, it comes from the first milk of cows instead of humans. You can take these supplements in pill, liquid, chewable, and powder form.

Our guide reveals how colostrum benefits your body, who benefits from it, and the medical studies behind the influencers that claim it helps with various aspects of health.

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What is colostrum?

Dr. “Colostrum is the first milk produced by most mammals right after birth,” says Kecia Gaither. “The newest supercool way is to drink cow colostrum. This supplement form is pasteurized and dried into pills or powder, which you can add to a liquid.”

He says that what makes colostrum different from “regular milk” is that it:

1. Many proteins that help strengthen the immune system (antibodies and lactoferrin)

2. It contains growth factors, which help support the development and repair of the GI tract, improving gut health.

3. It contains many nutrients, such as vitamins A, BC, E, calcium, zinc, magnesium

4. Anti-inflammatory, which means it has properties that reduce inflammation in the body

“People with gut problems like ulcers, inflammatory bowel disease or autoimmune GI problems, and a compromised immune system might consider taking colostrum,” she says.

“In addition, there are several differences between colostrum and breast milk,” he says. “The Cleveland Clinic notes that it has twice the protein, four times the zinc and it’s full of immunoglobulins to keep your baby healthy and prevent disease.”

Possible benefits of colostrum

You can find several benefits promoted by products such as ARMRA, WonderCow and Symbiotics, which include:

Support of the immune system

Because of its immune benefits for newborns, you might think that colostrum supplements should do the same for adults. However, the results are not clear. A 2020 study of athletes taking 10g to 25g of the supplement daily found no improvement in serum immunoglobulins or neutrophils. Neutrophils are white blood cells that have the function of capturing and destroying invading bacterial cells.

On the other hand, colostrum contains proteins and peptides, which can regulate your immune system. Therefore, the results remain mixed until more studies show its effectiveness.

Digestive health benefits

The good news is that some studies show colostrum’s ability to improve gut health. When adults consume colostrum, their bodies produce more intestinal cells. The development of antimicrobial agents and immunoglobulins can help prevent conditions such as diarrhea.

hand pours white colostrum powder hand pours white colostrum powder

Alexthq/Getty Images

Factors in cell growth and repair

Another benefit of colostrum supplements is the ability to repair muscles and grow. Studies have found that people taking colostrum helped improve TGF-A and B and the insulin-like growth factors IGF 1 and 2. These growth factors help your body repair cartilage, muscles and wounds faster.

Reduce inflammation

Colostrum can also help reduce inflammation in your body as it contains lactoferrin. Studies show lactoferrin helps reduce inflammation.

Possible risks and side effects of colostrum

There may be side effects that can occur with taking any supplement. The most common side effects of colostrum are:


Colostrum contains cow’s milk and lactose. For people who are allergic to one, you’ll want to refrain from taking the supplement and talk to your doctor about alternatives. If you are not sure about your allergies, ask your healthcare professional to do an allergy test.

Digestive problems

Any colostrum supplement contains lactose. If you are lactose intolerant, you will want to avoid taking the supplement. Some people may experience mild gas or nausea. These symptoms subside after a few days of use. However, if you continue to experience these side effects, stop using and contact your doctor.

Pollution issues

Chances are, you will never know how farmers raise their cattle. Some may use synthetic hormones or antibiotics, or cows may ingest pesticides because of their environment. These can pour their way to complement. Dr. Gaither adds, “There’s always the possibility of contamination, so do your due diligence and get it from a reliable source.”

The Herd of Cattle is looking down, directly at the Camera The Herd of Cattle is looking down, directly at the Camera

Catherine Falls Commercial / Getty Images

Who should consider using colostrum?

The main purpose of colostrum is to nourish babies, giving them extra protein, antioxidants and more to help them grow. However, depending on the nutrients in milk, it can help in some cases.

Athletes could get colostrum supplements to help with muscle recovery and development. Colostrum contains growth factors that help muscles grow faster. Studies show that people who take these supplements can gain muscle mass while losing total body fat. However, since there are few studies on this subject, it is best to consult your doctor before adding this to your training diet.

Another group that can benefit from colostrum is those looking for improved gut health. Among the studies that have been conducted, improving gut health appears to be one of the more promising results for those taking colostrum supplements. Increased production of antimicrobial agents and immunoglobulins can help relieve symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome.

Finally, older people may benefit from colostrum supplements. One of the main benefits of colostrum is its protein. Because as we age, we are more likely to lose muscle mass, having an additional source of protein can slow muscle loss from occurring. Studies also show that regular consumption of colostrum can lower blood pressure, improve healthy cholesterol levels and aid in weight management. Another study found that participants experienced these improvements after 12 weeks of regular drinking.

How to choose the right colostrum supplement

Since colostrum supplements have not received FDA approval, purchasing them can be a confusing business. The first step is to schedule an appointment with your primary care doctor or nurse. Talk to them about adding a supplement to your diet, the goals you hope to achieve and whether it’s a good idea. There can be health conditions such as lactose intolerance that can cause side effects.

Once your doctor gives you the green light to try, shop around for a few different supplement companies. Check where they get their ingredients. Cattle can absorb environmental pollutants such as pesticides and antibiotics, which can affect the safety of supplements.

You’ll also want to pay close attention to dosage levels. All supplements have instructions for use, and 10 to 60 grams per day is a typical dosage. According to research, you can expect to see some improvement within three months. However, you may experience side effects such as gas or nausea. These may expire after a few days of use.

When you’re ready to buy, colostrum supplements come in many forms, such as capsules, powders, liquids, liquid extracts and chewable tablets. You can buy these supplements at vitamin stores, drug stores or online retailers like Amazon.

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